Why it’s okay to panic about your future — and how to get over it

comfortIt’s no secret — your life after high school is a big question mark. Where am I going to be? What kind of career path do I want to take? What kind of person am I going to be in one year, five year, ten years?

It’s easy to get caught up in the what-ifs, especially when the stakes are so high. So, take a deep breath (really, I’ll wait) and realize that you can do this. Putting things off never did anyone any good, so take baby steps to get started now. You’ll think yourself for it later!

Step 1: Don’t worry about the big decisions.
If there’s anything that is going to put you off from making a forward step, it’s trying to tackle too much too soon. Remember that your little steps account for so much in the long run. So how about you do something like come up with your essay topic or briefly research a career on the Internet? That’s two things off your mind: one, what you’re going to write about and two, a career you may or may not want to pursue. That wasn’t so hard was it?

Step 2: Get experience.
Yes I know this means putting yourself out there, but lucky for you, there is no risk in getting experience when you’re in high school. You’re already experiencing a lot of things for the first time, but when you actively pursue getting to know what’s out there — you can’t lose! Try job shadowing someone in a field of your interest and see if you like it. Or, if that’s a little overwhelming, get a part-time job that allows you to get out of your routine. Whether it’s being a cashier (hello customer service), volunteering (learning responsibility) or any number of things, getting out there will do a world of good for your confidence — and resume!

Step 3: Get out of your comfort zone
I know what you’re thinking — I thought these tips were supposed to prevent me from panicking? And it will…as soon as you get over the first hurdle. You know that image on Pinterest that shows two circles and one is where the magic happens and the other is your comfort zone and how they don’t intersect? (See above). Yeah, that’s real facts people. Do something that will push you out of your comfort zone. I don’t mean cliff diving or traveling cross-country by yourself (but by all means if you’re capable of doing that safely, go for it) but try doing something out of your normal routine. Why not talk to someone you’ve never spoken to at a party? Why not raise your hand in class even if you don’t know the right answer? Why not write that song and post it on YouTube and see what happens? You’ll probably see that whatever worst-case scenario you were imagining never happens. And when you conquer one thing, what’s stopping you from conquering the others?

Everything in life is going to be a process, whether it’s applying for college, or finding a job or just figuring out where you want to be in life. Nothing is going to happen overnight and it certainly won’t happen if you don’t get the ball rolling. So, take a deep breath, center yourself and get out there. You can do it!

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