Tips For Success When Considering a Marketing to Gen Z Career

Gen Z is the second youngest generation, with individuals in it being born between 1997 and 2012. Technology plays a huge role in these individuals’ lives. They’re entrenched in the digital world. They’re supportive of inclusivity and accessibility. They’re the dreamers and creative thinkers. They’re also politically and socially active.

In your marketing career, reaching this audience with your brand, marketing, and offerings starts with knowing details like the above about them. It’s also essential to do the following to ensure your brand appeals to the younger Gen Z audience.

Improve Your Marketing Knowledge

First, you must know the ins and outs of marketing to reach any audience. How do you create a marketing strategy for an art business? How do you define your target audience and research them? What kind of content must you create to stand out among other artists and how do you do it? Where should you market?

Taking digital marketing classes can help you learn the fundamentals of marketing. These classes can teach you skills like how to use Google Analytics, best practices for designing eye-catching emails for campaigns, and how to use Adobe Illustrator for your graphic design needs. You can also learn about target audiences and how to appeal to certain generations and demographics in it.

The more you understand about marketing, the easier it will be to create content, concepts, and strategies that make an impact on your target audience.

Humanize Your Brand

Gen Z is more likely to watch user-generated content (UGC) than the other generations. Why? Well, there are many reasons. But one of the most significant is that UGC is from real-life people. It’s easier to resonate with a genuine perspective from a real person than it is a branded ad or message from a CEO.

Whether through UGC or another way, it’s essential to humanize your brand so that it appeals to this younger generation. Try the following to humanize your brand and build trust with a Gen-Z audience:

  • Incorporate storytelling;
  • Adopt a personable tone;
  • Add humor to your content;
  • Show the team behind your brand;
  • Have multiple ways customers can contact you;
  • Give a glimpse into the art projects you’re working on.

Gen Z will be more likely to connect with your brand when you show the humans behind it.

Use Social Media to Showcase Your Art

If there’s one thing we can count on with Gen Z, it’s them being on social media. If you want to draw this audience in, you must meet them there.

Younger members of Gen Z are more likely to use YouTube over any other platform, with 95% having a YouTube account, followed by 67% with a TikTok account and 62% who use Instagram. As such, having a brand presence on these sites can be vital. Start by building a profile on each of them to begin showcasing your art.

It’s a good idea to create a detailed strategy for each social media platform you plan to be on. Write down some goals for each platform. Detail the kind of content you want to create for each, when you want to publish new content, and how you plan to track and continually improve your approach.

Ultimately, you want to be consistent on social media. And more importantly, be yourself and show the uniqueness of your art.

Approach Marketing and Customer Service Like a Business Owner

This generation has a lot of choices when it comes to which art brands to support and buy from. You’ve got to show them that you’re a serious artist looking to build a community of people that enjoy your art and creativity generally.

How do you do this? By marketing your art like a business and caring for your customers in the same way. Along with a social media marketing strategy, you should create an overarching marketing strategy that details your plans for every marketing channel you will employ.

Aside from that, prioritize customer service. Make sure your customers can contact you. Handle their questions and issues promptly. And engage with them often so that they know you’re there.

Ensuring your brand and marketing appeal to Gen Z will require a continuous effort on your part. But the more you learn about them and how to provide what they’re interested in, the more successful your efforts will be.

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