
You did it! You made it through four years of high school and are well on your way to the new, exciting experience of college. Here is the final installment of what everyone should do the summer before college begins. 

11. Make a tentative schedule
Take the time to figure out which courses you’re signed up for and make a schedule. Fill in the time slots you’ll be in class and the time you think you’ll need for studying and homework. If you will be on a sports team, make sure to include daily practices and estimate how much time will be spent at meets or games.

12. Get your finances in order
College is a time when you will have to create your own budget and will have to depend on yourself for providing food and other necessities. So, it is important that you know how much money you have and how much you can afford to spend.

13. Review your Facebook friends
It’s harsh, but it has to be done. The summer before college is a time to prepare yourself for new experiences and can also be a time to let go and move on from bad past experiences. If there are people on your newsfeed who annoy you or people you do not want to be friends with in the post-high school world, do yourself a favor and delete them. Or, if you are a softie at heart, at least take them off of your newsfeed.

14. Marathon a favorite show
This summer is about preparing for college, but is also about relaxing and enjoying a couple months off. For many people relaxing can consist of watching a whole season of their favorite show over the course of a few days. It’s a fun reward for getting through your finals and, if you want, can be a way to hang out with some friends during the summer.

15. Clean out your room and car
Take this opportunity to get rid of old clothes, old notebooks and any other useless stuff. If you have a car, take a day to wash it, vacuum it, wash its windows and clear out the storage compartments. Getting organized will make packing easier and will ensure that you won’t have extra stuff to do when you are home on breaks. Besides, you will feel a sense of accomplishment after the mega-cleaning and will have bragging rights.

16. Learn to cook…something
Depending on where you go to college, the dining hall food can be, well, interesting. So, it is a good idea to know how to feed yourself at least once or twice a week. My advice to you is to learn to cook a favorite meal or two in case you need to depend on yourself to eat.

17. Play your favorite sport
This is a fun way to pass the time and to exercise, and it is also a way to relieve some stress while doing something you enjoy. It’s normal to be stressed out at the prospect of starting over at college (or anywhere), so take the time to clear your mind and have some fun.

18. Go shopping for new clothes/pick up new school supplies
A new school year means new clothes and new school stuff. Who doesn’t love fresh notebooks, unwrinkled and unblemished with notes or doodles? College is often a time to start over and reinvent yourself, so this summer you can prepare by shopping for something for the new you.

19. Get in touch with your future roommate
Once your school sends the name and phone number of your roommate, take some time to contact him or her. It will allow you to introduce yourself without your family hovering around and can help ease your worries before move-in day. It gives you the opportunity to know what to expect in advance. For example, does the roommate have a similar schedule as you? Most importantly, who will bring the fridge or the television? You’ll be glad you spoke before move-in day.

20. Eat ice cream!
It is summer, after all! So go partake in one of the best summer activities, ever. I can’t think of a better way to end this list than to advise everyone to stock up on your favorite flavor for the summer. It gives you the chance to enjoy something yummy. And, if nothing else, the food will release some endorphins and will put you in a fantastic mood. So, before you leave and go to college, please enjoy some peanut butter fudge for me!

Those of us here at NextStepU hope your enjoyed today’s Summertime Bucket List series! Can you think of any other must-do activities for the summer? We’ll be sharing them on Twitter and Facebook, so leave a few in the comments section and we’ll share your ideas. Include your Twitter handle if you’d like a link back to you.

For more articles, tips and tricks on what to do to get ready for college, head on over to NextStepU.com.

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