Are you heading to a dumb campus?

You’ve probably heard about academic rankings and party school rankings for colleges. But check this survey out from The Daily Beast—the smartest and dumbest college towns in America.

To be fair, every party school has people who choose not to party. And so in every “smart” college town there are dumb people, and vice versa.

But here are the towns, from smartest to dumbest:

1. Chapel Hill, North Carolina (Grade: A)
2. Ann Arbor, Michigan (Grade: A)
3. Boulder, Colorado (Grade: A)
4. Cambridge, Massachusetts (Grade: A)
5. Berkeley, California (Grade: A)
6. Madison, Wisconsin (Grade: B)
7. East Lansing, Michigan (Grade: B)
8. State College, Pennsylvania (Grade: B)
9. Ames, Iowa (Grade: B)
10. Amherst, Massachusetts (Grade: B)
11. Ithaca, New York (Grade: B)
12. Columbia, Missouri (Grade: B)
13. Charlottesville, Virginia (Grade: B)
14. Davis, California (Grade: B)
15. Corvallis, Oregon (Grade: B)
16. College Station, Texas (Grade: C)
17. Gainesville, Florida (Grade: C)
18. Auburn, Alabama (Grade: C)
19. College Park, Maryland (Grade: C)
20. Lawrence, Kansas (Grade: C)
21. Champaign-Urbana, Illinois (Grade: D)
22. Norman, Oklahoma (Grade: D)
23. South Bend, Indiana (Grade: D)
24. Kent, Ohio (Grade: D)
25. Athens, Georgia (Grade: F)

Are you headed to college in any of those towns? Leave a comment and let us know if you agree with the rank!

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