Are you a senior and completely fed up with school already? Well, so am I. As someone in her second week of senior year of college, I can talk to you about what you should avoid when senioritis sets in. And by senioritis I mean officially not caring about studying, papers, remaining credits or anything else that is related to higher education.
Here are a few things you should not do:
1. Count down the days to winter break/graduation: Don’t focus on just being done with school. Accept that you will be learning for another two semesters and try to focus your attention on the day-to-day tasks. Chances are, looking forward to vacations will just make the school year seem like it is going slower and slower.
2. Skip reading assignments right off the bat: Sure, we all know that the temptation for some homework to fall off the priority list once testing rears its ugly head, but you shouldn’t be ignoring homework after your first week. At least try to make an effort and form a good study pattern early on.
3. Just look forward to a job: Working will be a big part of life as soon as you graduate, but you should not just be enjoying that aspect of your senior year. Classes can be a grind, but look forward to weekends, hanging out with your friends, getting good grades. Try to be enthusiastic about something.
4. Sleep in just because you can: In October, you will hate yourself for wasting all that time and for messing up your sleeping schedule. This will also occur on the days you have to get up early. Trust me on this one.
5. Complain about how annoyed you are to the grades younger than you: Not only will your attitude be contagious, it will be a bad example for students who have a year or two left. Be respectful of their positions and try to be happier for their sakes. And don’t recommend bad study habits to them, even if they are working for you.
Remember these non-tips this year and who knows? Maybe your senior year will fly by!
Written by Rachel Montpelier. Rachel is a senior at Nazareth College in Rochester, N.Y. and is the editorial assistant at NextStepU.
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