Social media hacks to brighten up your back to school blues

iStock_000018516372SmallThese social media gems are a great way to archive your memories, write down your thoughts, track pictures and videos, save new ideas, relax and keep in touch with friends and family. I’ll be the first to admit that there’s a time and a place for your social media use.  While they bring a lot of usefulness they can also create slightly problematic issues with being distracted and procrastinating. The new school year is the perfect time to factor your various forms of social media into your upcoming schedule. Get ready to buckle down and work hard but don’t forget to use these to take breaks and make memories!

Back in my day (high school graduating class of 2011 – what a throwback), Facebook was the best place to create a large event and invite people from your friend list because duh, everyone had a Facebook. Younger sources tell me this is mostly still the case so here’s some tips on how to make it work for you. The event creating option is perfect for school clubs in both high schools and colleges and allows you to create open or closed events, post meeting times, create polls, draw up an RSVP list and much more. Outside of the school setting, it’s still great for social events.

It’s also a great way to post and archive your photos, tag your friends, and keep the memories. When you part ways for summers or for college, it’s a great way to keep in touch and keep track of each other’s lives. Facebook has mobile apps available on many tablets and mobile devices as well as an app specifically for chat so you can talk on the go. It now offers video chat and instant image sharing which is perfect for those moments of homesickness.

While Facebook is great for long periods of catching up and posts containing live updates of your life, nothing beats Twitter’s quick updates in 140 characters or less. There are thousands of humorous viral accounts that you can retweet and share with your friends to quickly let them know you’re thinking about them.

Ah, Pinterest where I sit down and lose hours at a time. The possibilities with this app and website are endless. I use it for meal planning, budgeting, decorating, shopping and just general fun. You can cater it to any needs you might have as many use it for fitness, sharing blogs exchanging ideas.

Tumblr is my virtual happy place. When it’s freezing outside and I’m snowed in my Rochester snow globe I like to search for an endless scroll of tropical beach locations and pretend I’m there. Similarly, when it’s still somehow 90 degrees in September in Upstate N.Y., I find pictures of snow and fireplaces and try not to dwell on the fact that I’m having a heat stroke. Tumblr has endless possibilities, find blogs of your favorite shows, music, movies – basically any interest and enjoy the wave of calm you get talking a short break from studying.

I’m partial to the Mayfair and Rise filters, depending on my mood. This app is truly my favorite. You can follow friends, family, celebrities, inspirational accounts and pretty much anything else your heart desires. Bad day? I bet you can’t look at the Dogs of Instagram page and not smile. Instagram is a great way to timeline your memories.

Ali-2014-blogAli Sewalt is the marketing intern for NextStepU and is a senior at Nazareth College. You can reach her with questions and for advice at

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