New Facebook application predicts your chances of college acceptance

Before anxiously awaiting an acceptance letter, you have to go through the process of picking which colleges to ask for admittance. Naturally, you try to calculate the chances of getting a “Congratulations!” vs. a “We regret to inform you…” If only there was some sort of formula to help you weigh the odds! With the new Facebook application “AdmissionSplash,” there is.

How can AdmissionSplash really calculate the likelihood of you getting into a specific college? Mathematics; it uses a formula that takes both quantitative (GPA, SAT/ACT/PSAT scores) and qualitative (extra-curricular activities, anticipated major) characteristics into account. The app uses your personal information, combines it with public admission statistics and predicts whether a college will want you or not by giving you a number score from 1 (very poor) to 100 (very good).

So does it work? According to tests conducted at UCLA and NYU, the formula leads to pretty accurate results. With 75 admitted students at NYU, AdmissionSplash correctly predicted that they would be accepted 90.6 percent of the time. With 73 admitted students at UCLA, it correctly predicted they would be accepted 97.3 percent of the time.

Now try it out for yourself! Or watch this demo video first and see how it all works. Your results won’t be posted on your wall for all to see (unless, of course, you want them to be). Don’t be surprised if one of the schools you’re considering can’t be found; not every college in the U.S. is listed. Still, 1,500 of them are.

Whatever you do, do NOT let a low score discourage you from sending out an application. There is a lot in the college application process that isn’t taken into consideration with AdmissionSplash. You’ll never truly know until you apply.  Just think of this as a way to compare schools’ competitiveness and instead of relying on it, have fun with it!

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