Have you considered nursing as a career?

Looking for a career and interested in helping others? Consider nursing!

Nurses carry out physician orders, but they do much more than that! They serve as client advocates and administer medications, IVs and injections. Nurses often care for patient wounds and manage the total care of patients. As a nurse you can work in a hospital, a clinic and even schools. You can also choose to work with children in a pediatrician’s office, with the elderly in a long-term care facility or with teens in a high school. Or you can also take your expertise to the military.

The career is rewarding, but can also be very demanding. You’ll work long shifts and be on your feet most of the day. But many of the nurses we’ve spoken to, say the hard work pays off.

Vital Stats
In addition to obtaining a two- or four-year nursing degree, you must also pass a national licensing exam. Nurses can become licensed in more than one state.

Average salary: $48,090 (RN)

Random fact: Nursing students make up more than half of all students in health professions.

For more information on nursing as a career, click here!

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