Banned websites get their day in history

We’ve all heard about books being banned from school reading lists and libraries, but these days everything has gone digital, including the banned materials.

That’s why one high school librarian, Michelle Luhtala, has decided to create and celebrate Banned Sites Day, according to a recent article in USA Today.

Luhtala says this fall a handful of schools and libraries across the U.S. will use the day to draw attention to censorship of social-networking sites, which she argues are educational and helpful in the classroom.

Some schools say social media is a distraction. Others often censor the sites because it can create seemingly inappropriate contact between students and teachers. However, the firewalls in place to control sites like Facebook and Twitter also censor other sites, such as the arguable educational National Geographic website and video-conferencing site Skype.

Sure, students shouldn’t be distracted by social media. But it surely has a place in this digital revolution we are in today.

NextStepU wants to hear what you think? Should social media be banned in classrooms and libraries?

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