An ode to the library – the love of my academic life

Even though Valentine’s Day has come and gone, I’d like to honor that day of love with a dedication to the one thing in my life that I can always count on: the library.

The motto of my life.

We have a special sort of relationship. I wake up early (i.e. before noon) on the weekends so that we can bond over coffee and textbooks and we meet for several late night rendezvous during the week for fun with flashcards.

You think I’m kidding.

Truthfully, the library has acted as a sort of refuge for me when I’m in an exceptionally productive mood or I keep getting distracted by all the things (like Facebook or that squirrel that just ran by outside) going on in my room.

In the library it’s like there’s a magic “on” switch that just makes getting your work done seem so much more possible. When I break out my laptop, sit down at my individual cubby and break out all my notes, the library gives me that feeling that, yes, I can do this!

Unfortunately, that magic seems to wear off after about three hours sitting on a hard bench with your shoulders hunched over your computer (go figure).

But then, once that paper is done and you’re free (finally free!) to do whatever you please, you’re thankful again for that magical library and give yourself a pat on the back for being just so productive.

So friends, I’d like you to meet your new best friend (library, readers; readers, library) for the next four years of your life. Despite the fact that yes, college is going to give you a heavier workload than high school did, you’re going to be able to manage it all just fine.

All you need is determination, a little good time management and a special cubby in the library.

Until next time,

Laura the Intern
Message me on the Community Boards! (I’m InternLaura)

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