5 questions to ask your parents NOW

It’s not all that uncommon to, after college graduation, move back in with mom and dad while you get on your feet. For some, it’s a mere stopping point. For others, it’s a landing that’s hard to overcome.

Where do your own parents stand on the matter? Think they’d welcome you back after college graduation, or not?

Have you ever asked them?

Here are 5 other questions to ask your parents now, as you plan for college. Let us know their responses! Were you surprised by any?

1. How long will you help me pay for tuition—longer than four years?

2. What college costs am I responsible for, and what will you pay? (Think about it all: books, spending money, rent, tuition, food, trips home, gas money, car, insurance, parking fees…)

3. Are you willing to take out any loans to help me pay for college, or should I plan on all loans being in my name?

4. Would you help me financially if I take a summer internship in a different city? How about if I study abroad?

5. Think I could ever take the car to college? If so, when?

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