iStock_000014382161MediumAt this point in my college experience, I don’t have a ton of free time. I am a full-time senior, work about twenty hours each week and am currently looking for internships, jobs and apartments for life after Naz. Yes, my life occasionally feels like a stressful, never-ending process for something. But I still have time to have fun. Here’s how you can too:

Extra credit and Homeland: I managed to complete an extra credit assignment while watching the second season of Homeland on DVD. This might sound like bad advice, but doing easier homework while watching TV is one way I am able to unwind. My mind is pretty focused on the task at hand, but I can also listen to the show. It’s two birds with one stone!

Outlines: These are the best way to write long, dense papers. If you set up a document with all your evidence, source information, and main points/arguments, writing the paper is so much easier. You can put together the outline while you are chatting with your friends, or are at your work-study job, or while you are watching a movie. Then, with your mind completely focused on the paper, you can write the final draft by copy and pasting your outline and then adding some nuanced analysis/explanation.

Mobile assignments: If you have an ongoing assignment (i.e. reading a novel, keeping a journal, studying) keep this with you at all times. You never know when you will have the opportunity to get some work done, or — dare I say it? — get ahead. For example, I took a friend to the doctor last semester, and was able to get a reading assignment done in the waiting room. I’m living the dream.

Public transportation: I wish I had this option. Unfortunately, trains can only get me to Syracuse, which is still two hours away from my hometown. If you have the option of getting home (or wherever you are going) by bus or train, I would take it. If trains trekked to the North Country of New York state, then I would have six extra hours to get my work done before and after getting home. It’s a lot better to get that stuff squared away en route than during your time off. Just saying.

Lunch and Broad City: Wow, I am really geeking out today. Anyways, eating your lunch while doing something you enjoy is a great way to kick back a little while doing something necessary (like nourishing yourself). Most days, I eat my lunch in front of my laptop. Only, instead of a Word document, Broad City or Girls is streaming for my entertainment. You could be thinking that reading while eating is a better use of time. I am aware of that and I don’t care — whatever floats your boat is alright by me.

Multitasking might not be recommended in every aspect of your life, but in these instances, you can benefit from getting two things done at once. Just remember to show your full attention to the tasks that really need it!

Rachel-blog-2104Written by Rachel Montpelier. Rachel is a senior at Nazareth College in Rochester, N.Y. and is the editorial assistant at NextStepU.

> Looking for more advice on navigating your senior year? Register at and customize your path to success.

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