How to deal with feeling stressed

iStock_000001487847MediumFinals week. The two most dreaded words in any student’s vocabulary. You’ve just gotten through one of the most stressful times of the year and you’re probably feeling drained. While it’s no secret that you have to put in a lot of effort — endless days of studying, no sleep and cramming as much information into your brain as you can — there are ways to manage your workload and your stress.

While this semester’s finals are over, here are things you can do next time to deal with your stress — whether it’s finals season or any time you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Take time for yourself
Between the many mental breakdowns, all-nighters and maybe even some tears, you NEED to take time for yourself.  I know it seems impossible and that there can’t possibly even be five minutes to spare, but there is. If it’s finals week before winter break and you live in an area that gets snow, go outside and have a snowball fight with friends, or build a snowman. That short little break will make all the difference in the world. If you live an area with nice weather take some time to go out and throw a Frisbee or pay catch with friends. That short break it allows your to regroup and gain your sanity back that may have been quickly slipping away.

Liven up your space
During finals week you may spend hours studying in your dorm room. The place that always seemed so cozy and was your getaway may begin to look more like a dungeon as the week goes on. If it’s finals week around the holidays, decorate it! It will at least look festive and be more of a happy place and remind you that break is just around the corner. Or, if that doesn’t do the trick, take a quick walk around campus and remind yourself that, in fact, there is a bigger world out there!

Use your school’s resources
Take advantage of any “stress free” activities your college may have to help. Your college knows how stressful  your life can get so they provide these relaxing activities for occasions like midterms or finals. Going to get a free stress ball in the campus hangout or color a picture may seem stupid, but if nothing else it takes your mind of the craziness of the week for a few minutes. And really, that stress ball will probably get more use than you may think.

Lastly, always remember that these stressful moments will pass. Once it’s over you’re out of the clear for at least a few weeks. And now, you’ll be better prepared once it comes around again!

Written by Annalise Cosco. Annalise attended St. John Fisher College in Rochester, N.Y. She has a love and passion for writing and is a complete “news junkie.” She’s the kind of girl who loves shopping, chick flicks and pumpkin flavored everything, but is also a complete sports fanatic.

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