
It’s the end of the school year and time to really dig deep and find ways to relax and de-stress. If you live in a part of the country where school is still in session , you are only weeks (maybe days) from finishing up your school year. If you were one of the lucky ones to have finished up a few weeks ago, you may still be clinging to some stressers from the end of the year.

NextStepU recently asked our school counselor friends this question: What is your #1 stress reliever?

We are going to share with you some excellent responses we received in the hopes that you can find a tip or trick that is just perfect for you. Join us throughout the day as we uncover some great advice from your fellow school counselors.

Feel free to leave your advice in the comments section. We’ll be sharing more tips and tricks on Twitter and Facebook, so we can always use more ideas! (Leave your Twitter name in the comment if you’d like us to link back to you.)

So here goes (prepare to feel more relaxed)

The overwhelming #1 response to our question was to exercise!
“One hour of yoga a week.” —Jeanne Hutson

“I do yoga and other forms of exercise. I can take care of myself and tackle the stressors of my life at the same time! —Molly Smit

“Exercise is my #1 stress reliever!” —LuAnn Davis

“My number one stress relief is exercise. Our local physical therapy department offers circuit training after business hours. It is cost effective, fitness effective, and a great way to relieve STRESS!”  —Cori Foos

“My biggest stress reliever is running which I do most days immediately after school with our bookkeeper…keeps us sane through the long, cold winters here.” —Therese Vogel

“Go take a walk around the building it gets the endorphins pumping and gives you time to refocus and come back to the office a bit refreshed!” —Ruth J. Robert

“My number one stress reliever: Zumba!” —Virga Hayes

“My #1 stress reliever is a good hard sweating workout on the treadmill or a good hilly walk. I feel so much better after a good workout! —Kem Gilmore

“Taking long walks.” —Hope Landor

“Exercise helps with sleep too! I just learned about High Intensity Training workouts. You can feel like you are getting a workout even if you only have 10 minutes. In short explanation, you do 20-30 second all out exercise with only 10 seconds of rest in between. The high intensity bursts can be jumping jacks, squats, lunges, push-ups and things like that. It makes for a quick workout that you can do in your living room with no equipment.”  —Jennifer Chapman

“Running or walking after school is my go to stress reliever. It also allows my mind to clear and inspires me to think outside the box while exercising. Highly recommended!” —Mary Richardson

Thank you, counselors, for your exercise tips to help relieve stress. We’ll be back later today with some more ideas on stress relief. If you follow us socially, check Facebook and Twitter throughout the day or sign up to subscriber to our blog posts in the sidebar. They’ll be sent straight to your inbox each time we post.

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