Colleges make saying goodbye an event and a must

It’s almost time to move into your dorm and start your college adventure. But what about Mom and Dad? How are you supposed to meet new friends and check out the campus with the parentals hanging around?

Many colleges have developed ways to help students deal with the excitement of moving to campus while balancing the presence of their parents, according to a recent New York Times article, cleverly titled “Students, Welcome to College; Parents, Go Home.”

Of course, we all want our parents present to help ease the transition during this life-changing moment, but we all need a little space, too. And that’s why colleges are finding ways—such as developing separate informational receptions for parents and students and even implementing parting ceremonies to speed up the goodbyes—to make the move easier on everyone.

Want more advice about moving to college, dealing with roommates and the skinny on dining hall food? Go to!

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