Typical College Day…Abroad!

We wanted to know what a typical college day looked like, so we asked Brian Vandenbergh, a senior film major at University at Buffalo (www.buffalo.edu).

8 A.M.: Alarm goes off. 8:30: Actually wake up and shower. 9:30-12:30 P.M.: Class followed by more class. 1-2: Eat lunch, read for my late class, watch ESPN. 2-3:30: Library to do some work. 3:30: Work on film project. 4-7: Film theory class. 7:30: Grab dinner and watch the Knicks game in the apartment. 9:30: Do some writing during halftime (unsuccessfully). 10: Actually start homework 11:30: Facebook/Twitter break. 1:30 A.M.: Finish homework. 1:45: Fall asleep to the movie channel.


We wanted to know what a typical college day looked like when studying abroad, so we asked Devan Lapresi, a student at St. John Fisher College (www.sjfc.edu) who studied overseas in Ireland.

8:50 A.M.: Alarm goes off, hit the snooze button. 8:59: Second alarm, wake up, check Twitter for 5 minutes or so and look on Pinterest. 9:05: Get up, brush teeth, wash face and get dressed. 9:15: Straighten hair and put on makeup. 9:30: Head downstairs and make toast with peanut butter and a glass of milk

9:40: Head to my midwifery and normal birth lab, which is more than a mile away. 10: Class begins. We start the process of female catheterization and practice on a simulated pregnant woman. 12 P.M.: Lab is finished, head to the students union to get some stamps and send out a couple of postcards. 12:10: Head back to my apartment where I live with six girls and one guy, they are from all over the U.S. 12:20: Start some sink laundry. (They only have three washers in my whole village, which cost six Euros to use. Not exactly cost effective for a college student!) 1: Finish with my three loads and head to the dryers (They are free to use.) 1:10: Check social media. 1:40: Take a nap. 3:30: Wake up, head to my “Care for the at Risk” and Ill Neonate Lab. 4: Lab begins. Learn how to do an orogastric intubation while resuscitating a newborn

6: Head back to my apartment. 6:20: Make dinner for my roommates. 7: “Family dinner.” 7:40: Homework. 9: Skype my family, boyfriend, friends. 10: Get ready to go out with friends. 11: Head into Limerick City to go to Smyths Pub. 2 A.M.: Head home and go to bed.

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