Happy female student at the library smilingLooking for that magic bullet that makes studying a breeze? Here are 3 tips to help you form good study habits.

1. Break projects up
Often when faced with large projects, or a test that covers a lot of material, it can be easy to get overwhelmed and push off studying. For example, start studying for a test a week ahead by dividing the material into sections and reviewing some each day, leaving time for a comprehensive review of all the material before the test.

2. Use a calendar 
But how do you keep track of all these small tasks? Use a calendar or scheduling app that gives you enough room for more than just final deadlines and/or make a list of tasks that have to be completed each day. Schedule your days so that you have enough time for studying, your job, extracurriculars and hanging out with your friends.

3. Get the worst done first
There are two other techniques for getting dreaded tasks out of the way. One is known as the Pomodoro Technique, in which you have to choose a task and work on it for 25 minutes without stopping. Then, take a quick five minute break to give your brain a breather before starting on the next 25 minutes. And what should you start with? The task you want to do the least, which will not only get it out of the way, but also give you a sense of accomplishment that will keep you motivated.

Hopefully we’ve helped you implement some tried and true habits for your next study session.

> For more studying help, check the Study Tips & Tricks Pinterest board. 

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