11 Jobs You Can Get With a Degree in Counseling

counseling diagramYou know you want to help people, but you aren’t sure how. You know you are interested in identifying underlying problems in people’s lives and working together to find solutions. You know you want to make a positive impact, but you don’t know where to start.

Your first step should be to earn an online counseling degree, to prepare you with the skills, knowledge, and tools to help people who need advice and counseling. Then, you can read on for 11 career options that give you the opportunity to help people, do good and get paid.

Counseling Jobs

Perhaps the most obvious career path, counseling is a wide field with plenty of opportunity for those equipped with counseling degrees. Here are just a few of the most common counseling jobs for new or soon-to-be grads:

Clinical therapist

Clinical therapists are your typical counselors: They work with groups or individuals to identify problems affecting well-being. This is the most direct application of your counseling degree, allowing you to improve people’s lives through discussion and advice. Salaries for clinical therapy vary wildly, depending on the region or location of practice, and type of clientele, but you can expect an entry-level salary of about $44,000.

Mental health counselor

Specializing in mental illness, mental health counselors can diagnose and plan treatments for those suffering from a variety of mental diseases. This career path requires a master’s degree, but it offers a rewarding $46,000 beginner salary and upwards of $80,000 as your career progresses.

Rehabilitation counselor

After a health crisis or major lifestyle change, many people need help to regain independence and to establish stability in their lives. That’s where rehabilitation counselors come in. As a rehab counselor, you will help people gain the skills and resources they need to thrive after a significant event. For your efforts, you can earn an entry-level salary of roughly $34,000.

Chemical dependency counselor

Chemical dependency, the more technical term for physical addiction, is a plight suffered by millions of Americans. Chemical dependency counselors help addicts overcome their dependencies and develop a strong, stable and sober life. The median salary for chemical dependency counseling is $51,000, but licensure for this type of counseling is governed by states, so you should research the requirements in your area before committing to this career.

Education and career counselor

As you might expect, an education and career counselor helps clients develop optimal strategies for school and work. If you choose this path, you will likely help people identify their passions and find appropriate programs and positions in their chosen field. The salary for this specialty can range widely, but you should expect median annual earnings of roughly $48,000.

Marriage and facounseling and childmily counselor

Marriage and family counselors focus on providing help to struggling couples and families. Often, these counselors serve as intermediaries during fights and discussions, helping loved ones understand each other better. You can expect an entry salary of about $45,000, but top-tier, self-employed marriage and family counselors can earn six figures.


Teaching Jobs

Those who aren’t interested in doing will often find satisfaction in teaching. Counselors and teachers use many of the same skills, but they typically have different goals. If you are licensed to teach and have a counseling degree, here are a few teaching careers to consider:

Traditional or online teacher

Community colleges are the best employer for those with counseling degrees. Here, you can teach counseling — or another subject — to students eager to learn. You might also consider teaching online programs, which give you greater flexibility as an educator. You will likely need a doctoral degree to teach at colleges, or you can find available positions with a regional high school. Your salary is highly dependent on where and what you teach. You should research salaries in your area to get a better idea of potential earnings.


Tutoring can be a full-time job, but it can also be a rewarding side-hustle for counselors. Tutors support students with one-on-one help in specific subjects. You can tutor in-person or online and charge an hourly rate dependent on your and your clients’ skill levels.

Other Jobs

Counselors are well-educated and motivated, so with a counseling degree, you should be able to do almost anything you set your mind to. Here are some alternative fields to consider when choosing your career path:


Another advantageous side-hustle that could turn into a full-time job, writing is a skill few people have. If you can string words together well, you can get paid to write content for the web — or you might focus on creative writing if you are comfortable with a less stable income.

Social worker

Social workers are like public counselors; they work to improve individuals’ lives for the sake of the community. Clinical social workers have master’s degrees and focus on mental health, which might be a more enticing path for those with counseling backgrounds.

Phone services representative

Not telemarketing like you might expect, phone services reps with counseling experience should look into working on emergency hotlines, like suicide prevention or substance abuse prevention. In this role, you will provide immediate relief to those who need it most, making a marked impact on people’s lives.

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