
Congratulations, graduate! You made it through high school, so take some time this summer to enjoy yourself and prepare for the college experience. Here is the next installment of things that every graduate should do the summer before entering college.

6. Read for fun
It doesn’t have to be Anna Karenina. You can take some time this summer to do what you probably won’t have time for during the school year: reading solely for pleasure. Summer is a great time to lose yourself in a good story. To this day, I still enjoy reading all seven Harry Potter books during the summer. It’s the only time when I can read them all for as long as I want, without the creeping feeling of procrastination. You will do plenty of reading in college, but it won’t be as fun as the books you choose to read for yourself. So pick your favorite spot (mine is on the beach) and enjoy a good read this summer.

7. Plan/shop for your dorm room
One of the best parts of preparing for college is figuring out how to decorate your dorm room. It is a chance for you to create your own space from scratch and it is also an opportunity for you to be creative. So this summer, pick up some posters and a new comforter. Maybe even a comfortable chair. You can make the room whatever you want it to be.

8. Enjoy sleeping in
Trust me, you will never appreciate sleep as much as when you are in college. Even for those of you with classes that don’t start until noon, you will still be tired and will be wishing for more hours to sleep. So why not get started now? Take this summer to get some extra Z’s. Consider it a practice run before your first winter break.

9. Have a grad party
This seems like a pretty obvious suggestion, but I still consider it a top priority for anyone fresh out of high school. A grad party is a great way to say goodbye to your friends and family before you head off to college. You get presents, good food and will be the center of attention. What’s not to like? Take this opportunity to gather all of your loved ones around you as a final celebration of your high school experience and as a rite of passage. After all, you have done a lot of hard work to be at this point. You deserve some recognition. And some cake.

10. Walk your dog — or pet your cat. Or feed your goldfish.
The point is to spend some quality time with your beloved pet before you move out. Believe me, you are gonna miss that lovable creature when you are in the dorms. There is just something comforting about being around animals. That’s why my school brings in puppies around finals time: it de-stresses the students and gives them a chance to be around beings that love unconditionally. While you probably give your pets plenty of attention as it is, make sure to set aside some extra time for them before you go to school. They will appreciate it, and so will you.

— By Rachel Montpelier

You’re halfway through our list. Stop back later this afternoon for the third and final portion of the bucket list for your best summer ever!

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