Newsflash: College homework can be fun

Stack of books and electronic book readerOh yeah, you read that right.

There is this myth that college students hole up with their textbooks and highlighters for four months at a time and emerge on breaks looking like confused hermits. They do that, but usually it’s only during finals week. Homework in college has the potential to be really interesting and actually pretty fun. So, you have that to look forward to when you are writing down endless vocabulary words you will forget during high school.

The great thing about college is that when you declare your major (with a few exceptions)  you only have to take classes that you care about. Homework does not feel like such a slog when you are learning new theories, ideas and history that engage your personal interests and passions. For example, I’m an advocate for women’s rights. So, when I took American Women’s History sophomore year, I enjoyed every minute of class and the work that supplemented it. Including the 100 pages of reading I had each week.

In addition, research in college can be ridiculously exciting. When I say “research,” the first thing to pop into your head might be a miserable-looking person in goggles and a lab coat. That is only one kind of research option you have in college. At this point, I am starting my senior thesis research. Since I’m majoring in literature and communication, I have fun doing this and am learning a lot. I am reading books and academic articles; I’m taking notes like crazy; I’m watching television series and movies; I’m reading novels. Best of all, my research includes creating and writing a blog. (Yes, I am shamelessly plugging my own project. I am rationalizing this because it just happens to be an example of fun college homework.)

Consider homework one of the many upsides to college life. It’s a lot of work and it takes time, but it can also be some of most enjoyable work you have ever experienced. And, believe me, it is hard to complete a degree in any subject you do not personally find exciting and interesting.

Rachel-headshotWritten by Rachel Montpelier. Rachel is a senior at Nazareth College in Rochester, N.Y. and is the editorial assistant at NextStepU.

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