iStock_000003534853_MediumDo you have a good ear to listen to other people’s issues? Are you patient, kind and discreet? If this sounds like you, then a career in counseling psychology may be a great major for you!

A major in counseling psychology typically leads to a master’s degree. As an undergraduate, you will typically major in psychology or a related social science and complete your schooling at the master’s degree level. Typical courses you can expect to take include biological basis of behavior, child psychology, social psychology, theories and methods of counseling and personality theories. Be prepared to complete a research project involving psychological theory and be ready to put your theory into practice.

What to know before you apply
The school you apply to will either offer this degree as an arts or science degree. Decide which better suits your needs and goals before applying to a certain program. Additionally, as a career, psychology and counseling can be a very draining and emotionally exhausting profession. Make sure you are capable of handling all sorts of situations before deciding on this career path and major.

According to, psychologists and counselors earned an average of $74,030 per year as of May 2014.

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Major Monday — Counseling Psychology

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