So as I said in my first post, I ended up where I am today mostly because of my love for a game. A game that started for me at the age of 5 at Southgate Elementary school. I’m sure that many of you have a similar story, and it went one of two ways: mom and dad sign you up for numerous rec leagues, you found out that chasing after a ball with 21 other kids wasn’t so ideal, and you went on to other hobbies which better suited your idea of fun. Or, mom and dad signed you up for numerous rec leagues, you realized that you had some skill and could beat the kid classified above to the goal, mom and dad signed you up for the local travel team then ODP then the elite premier team, and now you’re trying to decide whether you want to continue playing in college.
Well first let me say that this is the first team mom and dad will not be signing you up for, so it’s YOUR decision. I know that every single book or article you read will tell you to never let sports dictate your college decision, but I’m here to tell you that it’s okay- sort of. I was lucky, my cards all fell into place- the right location, size, major, and team were available at one school. It’s crucial that these all fit for you, and if they don’t unfortunately you’ll have to choose for one to trump the other, but sports CAN be your starting point. After all, it’s probably all you’ve ever known! Just make sure that sports aren’t your only deciding factor. Realistically you won’t be going pro after college, so make sure that the school has a major, or two that interests you (you may switch like I did after a semester or two), and a campus that you enjoy. Knock on wood, but many college athletes experience career-ending injuries, and you don’t want to be left wondering what to do when the only reason you attended a college has suddenly vanished in front of you.
So when the emails come in from random schools don’t put them aside, as I once did. Lucky for me I had a parent who wanted me to see each and every option that I was given. Start there. Email the coach back, visit the college, plan an overnight with the team, and you’ll know the right one immediately. I’m sure you’re asking, how will I know? You just will, trust me, and you’ll be glad you took that next step when you finally find your place.
Krista Pilla is the editorial intern at NextStepU Magazine.