9 Quick Facts If You Want to Study Scrum

The popularity of the “scrum” framework has increased in the past few years and almost more than 65 % of the software and product teams use Scrum or something similar to it. Scrum is a part of the Agile methodologies and it has been adopted by many projects and organizations. The foundation for Scrum methodology was started in the late 1980s by two Japanese business experts.

Scrum is a framework that helps teams and people create products using adaptive solutions to complex problems in order to increase flexibility and speed.  It takes complex tasks and breaks them into smaller steps called “sprints” of a few weeks.  Projects teams then meet in quick daily scrums to assess progress.

Even though Scrum is more prevalent in IT and product development domains, it is used in many other areas in business such as marketing, construction, manufacturing, or areas where the level of complexity is high or large teams are involved.

So what are some fun quick facts if you are interested in studying Scrum or getting Scrum certified.

Fact 1

Scrum is considered simple and easy to understand, as compared to traditional development methods like XP (Extreme Programming) and RUP (Rational Unified Process).

For most developers who have used traditional or structured methods before, understanding the principles and objectives of Scrum are more straightforward. At the same time, to achieve substantial results, developers and other team members need to master the framework. That can be done via trial and error and experience with prior projects. Alternatively, to speed up the process, reputable and efficient certified scrum training courses would help you build your expertise faster. This training can lead in becoming a Scrum Master.

Fact 2

There is sometimes a misunderstanding about what Scrum actually is. Many people confuse it and think it is a simple process. In reality, it is a broader framework for complex product development. The Scrum framework involves multiple processes but Scrum itself is not a process.

Fact 3

Scrum does not instruct you on how to do things, instead, it provides a framework and methodology on how to divide up and order tasks with a mechanism for evaluating progress. It is best in facilitating teamwork, and learning from different experiences while dealing with creating a solution.

Fact 4

Scrum is a well-organized and balanced framework, and all of its components are of equal importance. If one part is not dealt with in a proper manner, the result would then not be effective. The Scrum framework is more useful and effective when an appropriate balance is achieved among group members in managing interactions.

Fact 5

There are three pillars within Scrum that that can be implemented. Transparency means providing a visible approach to important aspects of the process for those directly responsible for the results. The inspection involves examining the progress of the process and finding out problems that could possibly affect the outcome. Adaptation is when adjustments are made due to process-related issues uncovered in a project, in order to minimize any deviation or defects.

Fact 6

The Scrum framework helps a team to achieve high productivity by removing impediments and product backlogs because it is constantly reviewing and assessing progress across a program. It helps teams to come up with better quality products and a higher level of satisfaction by the stakeholders.

Fact 7

Scrum is a lightweight framework. It gives a more accurate view based on the current condition of a project rather than a predicted or forecast condition, which may never happen if a project is behind schedule. Transparency of standards is very essential in order to achieve the desired results as all members of all teams can see progress of the rest of the team.  On larger projects this is essential.

Fact 8

Organizations that are willing to incorporate Scrum need to change in order to follow Scrum standards and use new set of norms to make decisions and communicate.  This may require new Scrum system or processes to communicate across all team members and stake holders in a project.

Fact 9

Another important fact about Scrum is that it is well-suited for cross-functional teams. In a cross-functional team, various members have different skills and expertise that they apply to the project (often coming from different departments across an organization). Such teams allow an organization to tap all the talent available, but create additional complexity. Scrum increases a team’s productivity and results by fostering communication within and across teams.


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