5 Tips to Conquer Interview Anxiety

Let’s face it: interviews are scary! In between wanting to make a good impression personally and hoping to present yourself as a competent professional lies a murky no man’s land of sweaty palms and facial tics. Here are some great ways to interview like a pro and be more confident in the room!

1. Know What You’re Going to Say
Look through books and websites with lists of questions typically asked for different types of interviews, then practice your answers until you can respond quickly and naturally.  You may want to write out your answers in longhand first, then practice paraphrasing them to a friend. If you know that you have your answers down cold, you won’t have to worry because you’ll already have all of the “right” answers.

2. Use your Friends and Family
One study found that women cope with interview anxiety better than men.  Women address anxiety by practicing interview techniques with friends and family, while men cope by trying to downplay their anxiety and the importance of the interview.  Whether you’re male or female, it’s important to be as prepared as possible.  Have friends or family members ask you some of the standard interview questions, then give you feedback.  Make sure that you’re working with people who are supportive and will give you lots of praise, as well as constructive criticism.  Once you’ve practiced the interview format, the actual interview won’t seem as novel and intimidating.

3. Keep Perspective
Everyone gets nervous before interviews, even the most experienced professionals.  It will be easier to move beyond your anxiety if you accept that it’s normal, rather than dwelling on the fact that you’re too scared.  Also, keep in mind that interviews are not life-or-death situations. You may need to take a step back and get some Career Advice from Learnist to help put your nerves in perspective. This job interview is just one step on a much longer journey!

4. Use Breath and Meditation to Calm Yourself Physically
Physically, what is stress and what can you do to reduce it? Some of my favorite resources can be found on this Stress Management board. Anxiety is a manifestation of your body’s nervous system being activated.  Your body knows that you’re facing an important situation, so your fight-or-flight reflexes kick in.  Breathing techniques work well in conjunction with visualization. If at any point during a visualization you feel yourself getting agitated, stop and do the breathing techniques until you feel calm enough to continue.

5. Bring Forth Your Confidence!
Pump yourself up pre-interview by telling yourself that you definitely deserve this job/internship/college acceptance, and that you’re going to get it.  State out loud that you’re going to rock that interview.  Even if it doesn’t feel genuine at first, having a positive internal narrative will make you seem much more confident!

Need even more resources? Check out the Interviewing and Job Hunting board for over a dozen free resources to help you rock your interview, culled from all over the web!

From Learnist: organizing all of the wisdom of mankind in text, images, video and audio, curated by fellow humans. Follow on Twitter and Facebook to discover the future of learning. 

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